Traditional Dentures Vs. Implant-Supported Dentures

The oral cavity is arguably the most mechanical part of our bodies, crushing bones and grinding food into smaller, more easily digestible particles. Like any other mechanical part, our teeth deteriorate from this grinding and back-and-forth motion of mastication. Eventually, they give way, and we sometimes need dentures to replace them.

Dentures, or false teeth, sit on top of the jaws as replacements for lost teeth. If you're having trouble choosing between traditional and implant-supported dentures, we're here to help. Today, we'll compare traditional dentures to implant-supported dentures and help you decide which is best for you.

What Are Traditional Dentures?

Traditional dentures use a plate with a set of artificial porcelain teeth on top of it. They use adhesive and suction to stay in place but can be removed at will. The downside is that these dentures are prone to shifting, causing pinching and discomfort.

What Are Implant-Supported Dentures?

Unlike traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures use implants (titanium screws) drilled into the jaw to secure the dentures. The titanium screws act like the teeth' roots and keep the dentures firmly in place. There are two types of implant-supported dentures, namely:

  • Removable implant-supported dentures: These are semi-permanent dentures that attach to the jawbone with the help of metal clasps or a bar that attaches to the implants. You can remove them by pulling them off the implants or loosening the metal clasps.
  • Fixed implant-supported dentures: Unlike removable dentures, these are permanent and cannot be removed. They are held in place by the implants and require a surgical procedure to drill the implants and dentures in place.

Advantages of Implant-Supported Dentures Over Traditional Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are undoubtedly better than their traditional counterparts. Here are a few reasons why this is so:

More Stable

Implants form a more secure anchor than adhesives and suction pads. With implant-supported dentures, you don't have to worry about your dentures slipping out of place when talking or eating.

Easier to Maintain

Having implant-supported dentures is just like having regular teeth. All you have to do is brush and floss them twice a day, just like you would with regular teeth. Traditional dentures require special cleaning materials and techniques that are a huge inconvenience and take a lot of time.

Prevents Bone Atrophy

Bone atrophy describes the decreased density and strength of the jawbone caused by a missing tooth root. The implants of implant-supported dentures prevent this atrophy by acting like the lost roots and supporting the jawbone. Traditional dentures don't provide this support, causing tissue erosion if not cared for properly.

Get the Right Dentures for Your Needs 

Both traditional and implant-supported dentures have their pros and cons. Implant-supported dentures might be the preferred choice if you're looking for stability, convenience, and ease of maintenance, while traditional dentures might be the better option if you're concerned about cost and ease of installation.

Contact Kite & Key Dentistry offers both traditional and implant-supported dentures at affordable prices. Schedule an appointment with us today to get the best option for you!

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