Dental Implants in Ridley park

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Keeping You In The Know

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a type of tooth replacement that restores not only the tooth’s crown but also the root, which is unlike any other tooth-replacement option on the market. By implanting a biocompatible titanium post into the jawbone, the jawbone grows around the implant and they integrate over 3 to 6 months, forming an artificial tooth root. 

Why does this matter? After you lose a tooth, you will suffer from irreversible bone resorption because there is a lack of stimulation being provided to the jawbone. By replacing a tooth’s root, you stimulate the jawbone when you chew which regenerates cells needed to preserve the jawbone and prevent bone loss. 

Benefits of Dental Implants

Not only do dental implants restore a patient’s smile and ability to chew and enunciate, but they also prevent bone loss. Preventing bone loss is a crucial function of a tooth replacement because bone loss changes a person’s bite and facial structure, leading to premature facial sagging. 

It can also increase your risk for future tooth loss. Dental implants also last much longer than other tooth restorations with a minimum lifespan of 25 years. With proper care and good oral hygiene, dental implants can last for life. 

By forming an artificial tooth root in the jawbone, the implants have a sturdy and stable base for a tooth restoration, preventing any movement of the implant or teeth. No more embarrassing shifting teeth in the middle of a conversation or eating breakfast. Providing your tooth restoration with a tooth root also provides significant force that is comparable to the natural tooth. 

This enables patients to eat a restriction-free diet and have a tooth that looks and feels just like the real thing.

dental implants in Ridley Park

Dental Implant Options

Replace a single tooth

Single-Tooth Implants

A single tooth implant is the placement of one dental implant to replace a single tooth. After implanting the titanium post, it takes 3 to 6 months for osseointegration to occur (integration of the implant with the jawbone). 

After this, your Ridley Park dentist can perform the second oral surgery to attach the abutment and a few weeks later, attach a dental crown. At the end of the process, you will have a very natural-looking and feeling tooth that could fool anyone and you will have full functionality just like a real tooth.

Replace one or both arches of teeth

Full Arch Dental Implants

Full arch dental implants are similar to single-tooth implants except that they involve placing a series of implants into the jawbone to support an entire arch of teeth. We can replace one or both arches of teeth depending on the extent of tooth loss. 

Just 4 to 6 implants can support an entire arch of teeth. We offer both implant-supported dentures also known as a fixed bridge that is attached to the implants or an implant retained denture, which is a removable denture that is taken out at night and clips back onto the implants when you put them back in.

The Implant Process

During a consultation, Dr. Winter will examine the extent of your tooth loss and take x-rays to assess your jawbone health. Sufficient jawbone support is necessary to be considered as a candidate for dental implants. Inadequate or unhealthy jawbone will not be able to support an implant and could require bone grafting to become eligible. 

During your first appointment, we will administer a local anesthetic to numb your mouth before making an incision into the gums and implanting the titanium post into the jawbone. After closing up your gums, we will monitor you for the next 3 to 6 months to make sure that the osseointegration process is occurring properly.

At the end of this phase, when the jawbone and implant have fused, it’s time to reopen the gums to attach the abutment to the implant. This is the connection point between the implant and your restoration. 

For full-arch implants, a different kind of abutment is used, known as O-rings. You will require another few weeks of healing and impressions will be taken of your mouth to create your dental crown, bridge, or denture. About 6 weeks after the abutment procedure, we can attach your restoration to complete the implant process. 

If you’re wondering if dental implants are right for you, contact us at Kite & Key Dentistry today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Julia Winter.

Have Questions About Dental Implants?

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you are missing teeth and this is taking a toll on the aesthetics of your smile, disrupting tooth functionality, and reducing your quality of life, dental implants are the best tooth replacement option you have, whether you’re replacing a single tooth or many teeth.

However, to qualify for dental implants, you need to meet a few conditions. First, you need to be in good oral health. Active problems like tooth decay or gum disease need to be treated before you can replace teeth with dental implants.

Second, you should be in good overall health. Certain conditions like diabetes and osteoporosis can increase your risk of implant failure. You should avoid smoking if you want to get implants because this causes oral health problems, increases your risk of implant failure, and causes discoloration.

The last important consideration is your bone density. Dr. Winter will use digital scans to analyze your jawbone and determine if there is enough existing healthy bone to support dental implants. Since this is what anchors your implants, this is the most important consideration.

However, this doesn’t mean that implants are out of the question for you. We can perform a bone grafting procedure to replace missing bone tissue. It will take 3 to 4 months of healing before implants can be placed. You may also be more suitable for All-On-Four implants which don’t require significant bone support.

What Is the Dental Implant Recovery Process Like?

How long it takes someone else to recover from dental implants doesn’t necessarily mean that’s how long it will take you to recover. Recovery time is based on individual differences in healing, how many implants you are receiving, how much bone support you have, lifestyle, and whether you need bone grafts.

In general, most people recover from the two oral surgeries involved in placing the titanium post and connecting the abutment in just a few days. Your healing can take anywhere from 1 day to 2 weeks depending on where you fall on this list of impacting factors.

While healing is relatively fast after oral surgery, it still takes 3-6 months for osseointegration to occur, even in the healthiest and most ideal candidates. This is the time that it takes for the jawbone to grow around the implant and become integrated as one. To speed up your recovery after oral surgery, practice good oral hygiene and carefully follow your dentist’s instructions.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Unfortunately, many dental insurance companies don’t cover dental implants because they consider them to be cosmetic procedures. Despite the revolutionary restorative properties that implants offer, many insurance plans haven’t caught up to the science.

With that being said, there are still many insurance companies that do cover dental implants under major dental which means they may cover up to 50% of the cost of the procedure. Contact your insurance provider directly to find out if they offer implant coverage. If you don’t have insurance, we offer alternative financing options.

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