Crowns & Bridges in Ridley park

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Restore Missing or Damaged Teeth

Crowns and Bridges

If you have a damaged tooth in Ridley Park and Folsom, or you’re missing one or more of your natural teeth, Dr. Julia Winter is here to help you get the care you need. Learn more about your options for restoring missing and damaged teeth in Ridley Park and Folsom below, or contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Julia right away.

Understanding the Basics

Do I Need a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are the best way to cover up, restore, and protect damaged teeth. They are shaped just like natural teeth, and are placed over your existing tooth structure after it has been trimmed.

Crowns are very versatile and are used for a variety of treatments. They are often used to restore teeth with large cavities, or to replace large, worn-out fillings. They are usually the best way to restore cracked and broken teeth, and are used to restore teeth after root canal therapy. If you have a seriously damaged or decayed tooth, a dental crown is likely the best option for you. Also, crowns are used to complete the dental implant restoration process for a natural, seamless smile.

CEREC machine

Crafting Crowns with Convenience

The Crown placement Process

Dr. Julia begins by cleaning and numbing your mouth. Then, she will use a dental drill to remove any damaged tooth material, and to trim your tooth into a strong, stable platform for your crown.

Then, Dr. Julia will use the Treos3 hand-held scanner to scan your mouth and your newly-trimmed tooth. This 3D scanning technology eliminates the need for messy impressions and makes the planning process a breeze.
The images and scans of your tooth will be sent to our trusted local lab where they will begin crafting your custom crown. This usually take about 2-3 weeks so you'll receive a temporary crown in the meantime.

Once we receive your custom crown, you'll come back to our office so Dr. Julia can check the fit. If everything looks good, it will be bonded into place immediately, restoring your smile. Your new crown will look and feel just like a natural tooth!

Keeping You in the Know

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge uses two crowns to restore one or more missing teeth. These crowns attach to one or more false teeth (pontics) using a metal framework. They are permanently bonded to two of your healthy teeth. 

The false tooth is suspended in the gap where your missing tooth used to be, “bridging” the gap and restoring your smile. Bridges are durable, affordable, and a good alternative to both partial dentures and dental implants in Ridley Park.

What to Expect

The Dental Bridge Placement Process

The process is similar to having a crown placed. Dr. Julia will clean and numb your mouth, then trim your two abutment teeth to prepare them for crowns. Then, she will take impressions and images of your mouth, which will be sent to a third-party dental lab.

This is where your bridge will be made. You’ll be sent home with temporary crowns or a temporary bridge. In about 2-3 weeks, your bridge will be built and sent to our office, and you’ll come back to have it placed.

Dr. Julia will remove your temporary dental work, then check the fit of your bridge. If everything looks good, she will bond it into place with dental cement to restore your smile permanently.

Need A Crown Or Bridge in Ridley Township?

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